Breathing Light, 2013
James Turrell

James Turrell's rooms filled with light create an other-worldy atmosphere that the viewer fully experiences. Turrell describes his work as being more about the viewers "seeing" than his own "seeing" conveying this simpilistic, wordless experience where the viewer is immersed in this almost mindful space. Another aspect of Turrell's work is his interest in "the sense of presence of space" and the "power" the space gives you through your body's reaction to the sensory landscapes. The artist uses the phrase "wordless thought" which links to mindfulness teachings of being the observer of our thought therefore Turrell's work removes all point of focus which makes us take this seat of the observer due to the engulfing sensory experience.
Olafur Eliasson alike Turrell utilises light however incorporates movement, perspective and the "embodied self", his biography states its crucial to turn "thinking into doing in the world" emphasising the interactiveness of his work. Eliasson uses titles like 'take your time', 'feeling things' and 'Interpretive flare display of unthought thoughts' which express the emotional and spiritual nature of his work showcasing a reflectiveness or the full immersion into the exhibition. The artist installation 'The weather project, 2003' shows a giant sun disc to create a space bathed in light, personally I think the way in which viewers used the exhibition almost like a contained sunny day displays Eliasson's expertise in creating a universal and 'wordless' experience.
Museum of Light
Light and Space Movement:
This art movement occurred in 1950s lasted through the 1970s, it was concerned with space, light and psychology. Space was seen as a vessel to overwhelm the senses and unite technology and science. The group was influenced by the idyllic popular notions of Southern California and conveyed these through the manipulation and surrender to light as a material.
The weather project, 2003
Olafur Eliasson
"Neurons are the fundamental units of the brain and nervous system, the cells responsible for receiving sensory input from the external world, for sending motor commands to our muscles, and for transforming and relaying the electrical signals at every step in between."
The movement of neurons when they fire and the photography/videos of neurons firing is influential to my project and is something i want to explore further and react to them through visuals and possibly sound. i think using our mental, chemical and biological processes to create art speaks to the our body in this invisible yet palpable way in which a part of us understands or relates to while also creating a space for clarity and thoughtlessness.
< Images of neuron's from the "aurora laser microscope".
I was inspired by rea.earth from tiktok (video to left) through the use of motivational, calming voice overs combined with gentle colours. I think the sense of peace from the videos reminds me of the way both Turrell and Eliasson create a sense of nowness and grounds the viewer in the present.