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This is a collection of artworks in multiple forms, from multiple artist in relation to the theme of 'Light'.

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Continual Light Cylinder 1962-2018

Julio Le Parc 

Wave, 2021


Untitled, 2021

Coffee Water, 2021

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Light Fixture1912–14

Frank Lloyd Wright 

Synapse 1, 2021

The Diagonal of May 25, 1963 (To Robert Rosenblum), 1968

Dan Flavin 

Sun Drawing, Untitled, 2017

Janet Saad Cook 

Reflections of Earth, 2021

Andrew Cain

Changing Light Corridor with Rooms, 1971

Bruce Nauman

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"Abrupt blackness of which startled him like a blaze of light"

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natures neurons 1.jpg
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Continual Mobile, Continual Light, 1963

Julio de Parc

Reflections of Earth: Connections, 2021

Andrew Cain 

Feathery Light, 1939-40

György Kepes

Extracts about light, 2021

Xanthe Grabrovaz Tilzey 

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The lights go up in London, 1945

Felix H. Man 

'Pair of twin swords, which took the sunlight and turned to two streaks of white fire'

Extracts about light, 2021

Xanthe Grabrovaz Tilzey 

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Yellow versus Purple, 2003

Olafur Eliasson 

Made for Arolsen (Pink/Blue), 1992/2016

Larry Bell

'The hundreds of faces staring at them looked like pale lanterns in the flickering candlelight'

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Untitled, 2020

Andrew Cain

Extracts about light, 2021

Xanthe Grabrovaz Tilzey 

Your ocular relief, 2021

Olafur Eliasson 

'The little gardens were often illuminated, and the big chinese lanterns glowed in the dwarfish trees like some fierce and monstrous fruit'

Extracts about light, 2021

Xanthe Grabrovaz Tilzey 

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